


二维码 章工恒立





文章作者:章工恒立 发布时间:2022-09-06 16:37:20 浏览次数:0




















There are many production and manufacturing plants that need to carry out organic waste gas treatment. In addition to some garbage stations and petrochemical equipment that we all know well, in fact, meat farms and food processing plants must carry out waste gas treatment. Every industry has different exhaust gas treatment standards, so the treatment of exhaust gas should be considered comprehensively. Below, Xinyuan environmental protection equipment Co., Ltd. has sorted out some common problems in work that are very easy to ignore in your daily production and manufacturing. We look forward to helping you < p > 1. Solution of rare gases: < / P > < p > although there is no risk source for rare gases, many rare gases accumulate, which will reduce the oxygen and water content in the vicinity, thus making people breathe

(1) discharge in an appropriate area outdoors < p > (2) if the gas tank or experimental instrument is in the room, the plastic hose of the exhaust pipe can be equipped and dragged to the outdoor for slow discharge < p > 2. Solution of combustion gas: < / P > < p > (1) after the bottom of the powdery, petroleum and flammable compounds adhered to the stop valve of the container or the application equipment is cleaned, the solution of combustion gas can be carried out < p > (2) it is strictly prohibited to solve the burning vapor and combustible gas in the same area or nearby to avoid explosion accidents < p > (3) there should be no fire source plan, no combustibles and inflammables in the vicinity of solving the problem of burning steam < p > 3. Solution of combustible gas: < / P > < p > (1) if the consumption of combustible gas is very large, select an area with few people as far as possible, pay attention to no fire nearby, and have relative fire extinguishers, gravel and water < p > (2) to exhaust the combustible gas in the gas tank, the operator should stand on the side of the exhaust port during the operation to prevent the steam from being ejected to the injury < p > (3) when the ignition method is adopted, a gas pressure reducing valve should be installed to control the speed of natural gas, so that the steam can be released slowly as far as possible, so that it can be fully ignited in the ignition machinery and equipment < p > 4. Solution of side-effect vapors: < / P > < p > (1) when solving side-effect vapors, the staff of the organic waste gas treatment manufacturer shall wear gas masks, rubber gloves and other labor maintenance tools as far as possible, and the staff who are irrelevant to solving the work shall not enter the hazardous gas solution area < p > (2) the absorbents and metal catalysts used in the solution of side-effect vapor should be targeted and can be used


